How to Handle Evictions: A Guide to Denver, CO, Landlords

How to Handle Evictions: A Guide to Denver, CO, Landlords

With eviction filings increasing, evictions are becoming an unfortunate yet harsh reality for landlords and renters. At the same time, it might not seem like it from a tenant's perspective, but dealing with evictions can also be stressful for any landlord.

Furthermore, in Denver, CO, there are specific laws and regulations that must be followed to handle evictions successfully. This guide is designed to help landlords navigate the eviction process with ease. We'll cover everything from understanding tenant rights to filing the necessary paperwork.

Understanding the Eviction Process

The eviction process in Denver, CO, is a legal process allowing landlords to reclaim possession of their rental property. To start the process, you need to serve the tenant with a legal notice.

If they don't comply, you may file a lawsuit with the court and attend a hearing. If you win, the court will issue a writ of restitution. This gives the tenant a certain amount of time to move out.

If the tenant still doesn't move out, you can obtain a writ of possession and request the sheriff's help removing the tenant and their belongings.

However, it's important to note that landlords must follow legal guidelines and protocols throughout the entire process. It's a serious issue that can easily go wrong without careful attention.

Landlord Advice for Evictions

Evicting a tenant can be difficult, but as a landlord, it's important to handle the situation gracefully and professionally. Here's some advice on how to navigate the eviction process successfully.

Know the Law

Before starting the eviction process, understand your legal rights and responsibilities. Familiarize yourself with the laws in Denver, CO, and consult with an attorney if necessary.


Try to resolve the issue with the tenant before starting the eviction process. Communicate clearly and calmly, and keep records of all communication if you need to go to court.

Provide Proper Notice

Ensure you provide the tenant with proper notice of the eviction. This includes a written notice stating the reason for the eviction and the date the tenant must vacate the property.

Follow Legal Processes

It's important to follow the legal process when evicting a tenant. This includes filing the necessary paperwork with the court and attending the eviction hearing.

Be Respectful

Even if the tenant is difficult to deal with, it's important to remain respectful throughout the tenant eviction process. Avoid making threats or engaging in hostile behavior.

Hire an Attorney

If your tenant contests the eviction in court, it may be necessary to hire an attorney. This will help ensure that your legal rights as a landlord are protected.

Final Thoughts

Evictions can be difficult and stressful, but you can navigate them successfully with the right knowledge and preparation. Remember to stay informed, communicate clearly, and follow the legal process to ensure a smooth eviction.

Get Help Investing in Real Estate

Nobody wants to deal with evictions. If you're a real estate investor or landlord and you'd rather have somebody else handle everything for you, consider property management services.

Our team of experts will handle everything from start to finish, including tenant screening, rent collection, and evictions if necessary. Call us at 720.797.5605 or fill out this form to get started!
