4 Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Denver, Colorado

4 Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Denver, Colorado

Are potential tenants finding your listings in Denver, Colorado? If you're noticing high vacancy rates, the answer is likely no. Without a strong property marketing strategy, your vacancy rates won't improve.

Here are four effective rental property marketing tips you can use to reach potential tenants online. With these tips, you can boost your occupancy rate and ROI!

1. Update the Listing

A lackluster rental property listing won't attract potential tenants. Hire a professional photographer and capture images of the listing in natural light. Consider creating virtual or video tours to show off the property.

When writing the listing, consider search engine optimization (SEO). SEO can help you appear at the top of searches. As your organic rankings improve, more people will click on the listing and explore the property.

When using SEO, consider the keywords people use to find Denver rental properties online. Add relevant keywords to the title and description.

Highlight the property's unique features in the description. Mention nearby venues, stores, and amenities to attract your ideal renters. Let renters know what utilities are covered or if you allow pets.

Don't forget to consider the rent price. Use market research to set competitive, appealing prices.

2. Use Paid Rental Property Advertising

Rental property advertising can help you appear in front of ideal renters who are already searching for properties. You can use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to create text and display advertisements. When someone clicks on the ad, they'll find your listing page.

Paid advertising is an effective online marketing strategy. In fact, paid advertisements have a 200% ROI. Paid ads generate twice as many website visitors compared to SEO.

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

If you're neglecting social media marketing, you're losing the chance to real potential tenants. There are already 4.9 billion social media users online. It's no wonder 90% of real estate agents use social media to market listings.

Share high-quality images of your rental property to attract potential tenants. Use engaging captions and relevant hashtags to stand out. Don't forget to add a link to your rental property listing.

4. Hire a Property Management Company

Working with an experienced property management company can save you time and money. They can develop an effective online marketing strategy on your behalf. They can also maintain the property to ensure it's appealing to Denver renters.

Look for a property marketing company with experience creating effective campaigns. Ask about their property marketing ideas and the success they've had in the past.

Your property manager can also make improvements to the tenant experiences you offer. A great experience will encourage renters to write positive reviews. Positive reviews can help you attract renters in the future.

Upgrade Your Denver Property Marketing Strategy

A lackluster property marketing strategy could lead to high vacancy rates. Use these property marketing ideas to stand out online. With an effective strategy in place, your occupancy rate and ROI will rise.

Remember, you don't have to develop your property marketing strategy alone. Working with an experienced property management company could ensure your success.

PMI Denver West has nearly 20 years of experience helping landlords like you. Contact us today to discuss upgrading your marketing strategy.
